About Monte Tareski

Hello There!
My name is Monte Tareski.
I was born and raised in the great Pacific Northwest. Cheney WA to be exact. My family owned a large cattle ranch and my father was an “auto recycler”. I am the 6th child of 7 so having a big family was and still is important to me.
Growing up near Spokane Washington and on a farm gave me some very grass roots views on life. We were raised to treat others with respect and also learned at an early age how to work hard and live off the land. We raised what we ate and ate what we raised.
You may be saying….This guy is as about as back woods as you can get right? Well not exactly…
I never let grass grow under my feet. At a very early age (16 or so) I set out to make a mark on the world. I traveled abroad as an exchange student and could be found many times hitch hiking across Europe. I also spent a year traveling with a group called Up With People. UWP was without a doubt the most amazing year of my life. We lived out of a suitcase and traveled the world staying with host families along the way.
After returning home from Up With People, I continued my studies at Eastern Washington University and earned an honors degree in International Affairs (Business).
Soon after that I set out again for Europe for another round of hitchhiking. The strange thing is (well it’s not that strange) I kept coming back the the Pacific Northwest. This country has, in my humble opinion, no equal across the planet. I have chosen to build my own businesses here, raise my children here and call it my permanent home.
My writing style is a combination of life experiences, humor and formal writing education. I draw from a vast wealth of traditions, people and cultures to give you a glimpse into my life. I shoot from the hip and present a no BS style that may appeal to some and repulse others. The funny thing is that I’ve gotten to a point in my life that I just really don’t care. Love me or not. That is how I roll and that is how I will write. It’s My Take On Life….
Yours Truly
Monte Tareski